Does Your Music Studio Have this Equipment?

 Are you planning on getting constant rave reviews in the music industry? Or, do you have the vision to be the medium through which a track having immense potential is well executed? For both scenarios, you need a music studio with all the basic amenities in place.

 Here's a list of your must-have types of equipment for Music Production.

A Laptop or a Desktop

Having a computer or a laptop is a prerequisite for mixing separate recordings of your soundtrack. However, you can also use either of these electronics to record your musical track.

Audio Interface

It is an electronic box with knobs that, when connected to your computer allows you to record and show creativity with your music track through revamping an existing track after taking appropriate permissions.


You should have a range of microphones collection, each situated for a frequency given by a particular musical instrument. Recording Studio in Adelaide has the best and wide variety of microphones to suit your changing needs.


You should have headphones to listen to a part of a musical track without allowing your present background noise to divert your attention.

A Mic Stand

A Mic stand allows you to adjust your microphone according to a specific person's height requirement. When you have adjusted your microphone accurately with the help of a mic stand, you are now more at ease to play your instrument or sing your composition.

Pop Filters

When a soundtrack is recorded with words having the letters p and b in their lyrics, one need to use the pop Filters. This is to avoid air sounds being incorporated into the song due to the pronunciation of the said letters.

If you have many refreshing tracks in mind, and don’t have equipment to make it better, you need to ensure that you have a studio well equipped to do justice to your abilities as a musician or singer abilities. Shipwreck Recording, a leading Music Studio in Adelaide, helps in bringing out the best from your musical instruments and vocal cords. All that for an attractive price within your means.


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